M.A. Arbib
This brief note, Control of Posture and Motion, is not an original contribution to cybernetics, but is of interest as an exceptionally succinct overview by McCulloch of the interrelations of many different brain regions. He points out the richness of algorithms within the spinal cord itself, and the importance of interactions between forebrain and midbrain in perceptual processes. The midbrain visual systems, the superior colliculus, plays a fundamental role in the study of How We Know Universals ([76], Vol. II).
Participants of the Conference on Self-Organization, 1960 Allerton Park, Illinois
Participants of the Conference on Mathematical Concepts of Central Nervous System Function, 1964
(l. to r.) Warren McCulloch, Roberto Moreno Diaz, Louis Sutro, 1966, M.I.T. Lab
Lloyd du Brul, 1967
(SEATED L. TO R.) Bill Kilmer, Louis Sutro, Warren McCulloch, Joe Convers (mechanical engineer).
(STANDING L. TO R.) Jim Bever, Bob Magee (optical engineer), Roberto Moreno Diaz, Dave Tweed (electronics engineer).
M.I.T. Lab, 1967
Warren McCulloch and Stuart Kauffman, M.I.T. Lab, 1968
Rook McCulloch, 1976
For further research:
Wordcloud: Algorithms, Allerton, Bill, Brain, Colliculus, Conference, Control, Cybernetics, Diaz, Different, Engineer, Figure, Forebrain, Function, Fundamental, Illinois, Importance, Interactions, Interest, Introduction, Jim, Kauffman, Kilmer, Lab, Louis, Ma, Mathematical, McCulloch, Mechanical, Midbrain, Moreno, Motion, Nervous, Note, Park, Participants, Perceptual, Posture, Roberto, Seated, Self-Organization, Stuart, Study, Superior, Sutro, System, Visual, Warren
Keywords: Cord, Self-Organization, Systems, Chaos, Colliculus, Posture, Contribution, Complexity, Link, Interactions
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