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NanotherapyCreating happiness through positive molecular relationships

Ron Schultz
Center for Social-Profit Leadership, USA

Nanotherapists have discovered that in order to create positive relationships with other people, we must begin the process far earlier than ever expected. Surprisingly, it all starts by fashioning healthy molecular interactions. What is becoming more and more evident is that if the nuclei are not happily aligned, you might as well just give up on whom you think is destined to be the love of your life.

In breakthrough work, scientists have recently uncovered substantial indications that point toward a deepened understanding of how complex molecular relationships actually work. Along with this discovery, a new breed of Nanotherapists have unlocked a variety of compelling therapeutic techniques that are successfully creating happy and more peaceful interactions between once violently colliding molecular encounters.

Nanoshrinks have demonstrated that bonding, so cherished by parents and child, buds and beers, and lovers of all shades and colors, is proving to be the overriding physical attribute that drives all related life. If we can positively influence these microscopic exchanges at the molecular level, at the point where atom meets atom and molecules form, we can have a profound impact on the very nature of bonding at the macro level.

Before outlining the specific therapies and their applications, we should digress a moment to discuss the history of this unparalleled work that is forcing scientists and social scientists to re-examine ideas that have long driven behavioral and emotional studies. For years, the idea that traumatic personal impact resides at the molecular level has been considered a metaphor. Richard Dawkins, Susan Blackmore and other evolutionary biologists have coined a new term, memes, to describe the propensity for repeated, mind-based activities at the gene-like level. A meme, or a memetic structure like the famed double helix of its more physical genetic relative, has never been found. The key to unlocking the mystery was to go deeper and smaller.

The initial studies in this area were focused around producing chemically induced molecular environments. What were called, ‘serenity formulas’ were developed with the idea of pacifying the violence seen in colliding and bonding atoms. But unfortunately, the first experiments conducted on laboratory mice ended in a blissed-out morbidity. The atoms and molecules simply stopped interacting altogether. After months of frustrating attempts, and an increasing pile of dead mice, this line of research was discontinued. It was rumored that simulated combinations of this formula had reached the general public and was being passed off as something called ‘ecstasy’.

It wasn’t until Nanotherapists focused their inquiries on communication processes that real progress was made. Discovering the language of molecules was painstaking. It was originally thought that the secret lay in cellular cilia and that molecular messengers transmitted at this unitary level. By engaging the cilia with nano-vibrational waves that progressed up and down mini frequency-scales, researchers found that rather than establishing communication links, a lulling occurred at a variety of levels. No interactive molecular-speak was isolated.

Then the breakthrough emerged. It was discovered that the real communication actually took place at the shared zero-flux surface, that intuitive space where the atoms actually bonded to create the molecule. Nanotherapists focused their inquiries, on how to initiate the conversation.

This is the first attempt to deconstruct the language of shared zero-flux surfaces. The bonding was always viewed as rather perfunctory “wham-bam thank you m’am” approach. That was before atomic translators were introduced. With the discovery of atomic translators we got our first real glimpse of atomic impact and molecular formation. Researchers were surprised when the atomic translators slowed down the interactions. What appeared to be violent collisions were actually something completely different. The interactions could only be referred to as crude docking signals that were picked up between the two combining surfaces operating below what had been the appearance of zero-flux. When the communications were good, a good bond was made. When the communications went wrong, one of two things happened: either no connection was made, or what could only be described as a dysfunctional bonding took place.

With this previously hidden understanding of molecular language unveiled, therapists realized its potential, and immediately set about the task of creating techniques for improving healthy interactions.

So, what do these therapies look like? First, they are invisible to the naked eye. Second, not every molecular interaction required the attention of the nanotherapist, just those that would ultimately influence macro-related behavior.

Therapy sessions required that traumatized molecules be temporarily isolated from the healthy body. A therapist would separate out a positive molecular bond providing a healthy model for the misaligned molecule. What therapists called ‘surface petting’ was encouraged through the application of a micro-nano-warming secretion at the once zero-flux surface. Scientists found that trauma was reflected in the agitation of the afflicted molecule’s surface. Actual bonding was discouraged until real healing was witnessed. This occurred once the afflicted molecule, realized through its surface conversations (petting) with the healthy molecule, that it was safe to let go of its trauma and return to a healthy zero-flux state. Once healed, the isolated and now rebonded molecules would be returned to seek out others who had shared their trauma. In a continuing chain of regeneration, health would translate up to the macro level.

It quickly became apparent that when therapists re-instituted these positive molecular relationships as soon as a traumatic event took place, those operating at the macro level would experience immensely improved interactions higher up the chain. With molecular health returned, profound and peaceful interactions took place remarkably free of previous constraints and restrictions. The important factor was, early intervention. The longer traumatized molecules were allowed to bond unhealed, the more difficult it was to unseal the dysfunctional bond and repair the unhealthy nano-relationship.

While nanotherapies are still in the experimental stage, scientists are confident that before long we will be witnessing the emergence of a whole new class of healers practicing what can only be described as the “laying of atomic-sized hands.” We know now what we could once only conjecture; that it all takes place at the point of contact and it’s all about relationship.